Sunday, January 10, 2010

Something. . .

Wow! My sisters (minus one-- miss you Bethany!), my mom, and I went to the American English show at the Fargo Theatre tonight. They are an amazing Beatles tribute band and we had a blast!
In fact, I took about twenty videos on my cell phone during the concert and couldn't use most of them because of my obnoxiously loud singing. Which just didn't seem so obnoxious at the time, but is now really embarrassing. Notice the absence of singing in the following video :) I know you can't see the picture very well, but it's the music the matters. Now, I present to you, Doug (as George) playing the guitar solo in my very favorite Beatles song, Something.

The band was even nice enough to take a picture with us (The three sisters!) after the show. And they were especially kind to take a couple more pictures with us (Look! The sisters are back!) when I begged the others to go back inside because I wasn't happy with this one. I look like a short grandpa. Unfortunately, the pictures from the second photo shoot were accidentally deleted and my sisters refused to go back for a third try. I promise, I don't look like a short grandpa in person. Most of the time.

So I highly recommend checking out American English if they come to a town near you. Beatles fans are guaranteed to have a great time. I would definitely go again (Bethany, you're coming next time too!)

Ok, here's another clip from the show. There's nothing wrong with a little embarrassing singing among friends, right?? Honestly, I can hear my sisters' voices too-- I swear it's not just me being so loud :)


klak said...

Too fun!!
g'ma beatle

Laura said...

Haha mom. G'ma beatle. It was a blast in a half. Let's go again tomorrow? :) I miss you sisters.

bethany said...

Short grandpa? Hmm.

I still am trying to figure out which one you groupies have crushes on. Maybe it was the Beatles hysteria.