Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And the moldy food. . .

Last night, I decided to make grilled ham and swiss sandwiches and homemade cream of tomato soup for supper. I started the soup and opened the fridge to grab the cream. . . I could smell it before I even took it out. Sour. Very sour. So Kaleif ran to the store to get some cream and I started the sandwiches. I opened the ham. It was pale, almost skin colored (gross, I know). So I changed my plan: turkey and swiss. And I opened the turkey. Slimy. Ok. . . how about grilled cheese? I made a couple sandwiches and stuck them on the sandwich maker. And then I grabbed the bread for the third sandwich and discovered the mold. All over the bottom of the loaf. Hmmmm. . . . I threw the ones that were already done and thought for a minute. . . maybe I should just give up. This cooking thing isn't really working tonight. But I powered through. And we ended up with cream of tomato soup and cheese quesadillas instead :) Now you're probably wondering how a responsible twenty-six year old mother ends up with a fridge FULL of rotten food. . . I can explain. We've spent the last GLORIOUS week at my parents house enjoying some good family time. And even though we only live five blocks away, it was hard to even leave for an hour.

The girls looked for Santa. . .

and opened presents!

Sadie took her first step!

We got snowed in (almost two feet of snow!). . .

and then had a blast playing in it!

We spent some time warming up in the pool.

And we played!

This last picture is my niece Reese MacKenzie. Isn't she just gorgeous?!?!?!?
So that's it. The reason I had so much moldy food in my fridge and the reason my ham and swiss sandwich and tomato soup meal failed miserably. But it was so worth it. We had a blast! I already miss you, sisters!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nine Months!

Here are some of my favortie pictures from our (multiple) nine month photo shoots!

Monday, December 14, 2009


So we FINALLY have a room completely finished!!! Ok, so its actually not completely done, but it's close enough to show you. We started this project the day we moved in our house about six weeks ago. I guess I was excited for Sadie to have her own room (a little late, I know) so I wanted to finish her's first.

Here are a few BEFORE pictures:

Looks pretty icky, doesn't it? It was. Sadie was even ready to get rid of that stinky carpet :)

So after some hard work and many weeks, Sadie's room is finally (almost) finished!

Drum roll please. . . .

Are you ready???

Here it is!

So I just need to put the curtains up (I seriously can't find them anywhere! Packed somewhere. . . ) and find knobs for the dresser.

I have to let you all know. . . we were very thrifty in finishing Sadie's room. I pride myself in saving a few bucks (or deal-slashing as Bethany and I call it!)

1. We cleaned the walls, woodwork, and floors and gave them a new coat of paint! My handy husband installed the wainscotting.

2. I purchased all of the cream colored frames at an auction (two dollars for the four hanging in Sadie's room, plus extras I haven't used yet!), pulled the 1970s floral prints out, spray painted the frames, and cut the mats for my own pictures. It's so so so easy to use a mat cutting kit and it saves TONS of money! The green floral pictures are from IKEA-- very cheap :)

3. The dresser was free (thanks mom!) and just needed a new coat of paint. The little rocking chair was Kaleif's when he was little.

4. And for my favorites. . . the rocker/recliner was fifty cents. . . seriously, fifty cents at an estate auction. And that very cute baby buggy-- fifty cents as well! I love the buggy and it works great as a toy box :)