Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beautiful quilts and lasting memories. . .

Just last weekend, I was enjoying myself at Ant Camp, a gathering of my mom, her six sisters, their families, their families' families and a few lucky friends. This year was the tenth anniversary of the event and more than sixty people were at the lodge during the weekend. Here's one of the group pictures. . . the best one of me (sorry everybody) which I now realize doesn't matter much because you probably can't even see any of the faces.

It was a wonderful weekend! Sadie and the other kids got a visit from Santa. . .

and Sadie rode in a box. She really had a lot of fun in that box, no matter what it looks like in this picture. I swear.

When the kiddies were asleep, the adults also had a grand time. I think we're all thankful that the cameras were put away by then! We told stories, we laughed, I recruited members for a band, we laughed, we played games, we laughed. . . well you get it. I think my cousin put it best when she said, "You can't choose your family, but I would!"
I started a quilt at camp. I spent about half the time with the seam ripper and almost threw the sewing machine out the window at least five times. When I realized how angry the quilt was making me and how much fun I was missing out on (I HATE missing the fun!), I gave up. Temporarily. Last night, I finished it! Now, I wouldn't call my quilt "beautiful", but it's done.

If you're wondering why my quilt pattern is so simple and boring, there are two reasons:
1. I am not very patient. Those complicated (and so pretty) quilts are just so overwhelming to me!
2. I hate following patterns and directions. So I created this pattern myself :)
I really can't wait for Ant Camp 2011. Just 51 more weeks!


bethany said...

Like the quilt, sig, and most of all, the pictures. Sadie looks so old showing off her new quilt! And I like it, it's relaly pretty! yay you for having a very productive day! Love you!

Los Askays said...

The quilt is beautiful! I can't even imagine using a sewing machine!! I like your new name stamp! Classy!

Laura said...

Your quilt IS beautiful. And I think it's 50 weeks now! :)