Monday, June 29, 2009

It's GRAY!

I started a new job at Innovis Health today. Its just a per diem position (so I work when they need me) and I'm very excited about being back at work. Well, kind of excited. I really miss my baby when I'm away, but it will usually be only a few hours a day, so I can handle it. Plus, she's in great hands with her grandma.
So I had to go to the speech therapy offices last week to fill out some paperwork. I showed up a little early, so I sat out in the car for awhile, listening to some music, checking myself in the mirror for food in my teeth or messy makeup and admiring my beauty and youth. Ok, not really the last part, but you get the idea. Then I saw it. Staring me right in the face. Not staring I guess, but it was there. A GRAY hair. Wait, not even gray-- a WHITE hair. Growing out of my so young scalp. What?!?! So I pulled at it. And pulled. And pulled some more. Let me tell you, gray hair is stubborn. Finally, it cooperated and I pulled it out and examined it. Yep, it was a gray hair. Root to tip. I looked at the clock and realized I lost track of time while obsessing about the youth slipping through my fingers. So I ran up to my meeting on the GRAY side of the building, of course. I have to admit, I was a little distracted while signing my papers. . . wondering if this was normal, if I would wake up the next morning with pearly white hair, and just thinking about that shiny strand of hair. So I was very careful to keep track of it as I drove home. I just had to show someone, and for some reason, my new employer didn't really seem like the right person. My mom was standing in the kitchen when I got home. "Mom! Look what I pulled out of my head!!! Do you see this? It came out of my head!!! Seriously. . . Look!"
Her response: "What? Did you think you were going to keep that brown hair forever?" I guess not. Thanks for keeping me grounded mom!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Perfect Friday!

Tonight would be a perfect night for a run. Its cool and quiet here with just a slight breeze.
Instead, I'm enjoying a cold beer, some hot pizza, a sleeping baby, and the Twins game on tv.
Don't worry, I'm still on track for my September 12th half-marathon. But not tonight. I'm taking tonight off!