Monday, May 25, 2009

Running, running. . .

I finally went for my first run! I know I said I was going to do it weeks ago, but then I got busy packing and moving, and ummm. . . I guess just making excuses to avoid running. But I did it, I started my half-marathon training. I'm going to run in the half-marathon in Detroit Lakes in September, so I still have about fifteen weeks left on my twelve week training schedule.
So last night, I just decided I would see what I could do. And for some reason, I was nervous about it. Maybe I was just afraid that I would make it one block and then collapse. Anyway, I spent at least ten minutes in the kitchen looking at the clock (8:47), looking at the thermometer (60.1 degrees), drinking some water, looking at the newspaper, looking at the thermometer (59.8 degrees), drinking some water. . . until I decided I just needed to go. So I rushed out the door, across the front yard, and to the street before I could change my mind. I got about a block away from my house when I realized that I probably should've planned this run a little better. I didn't stretch at all and my legs were already burning. But I kept going. And going. And going. I was going, not fast, but I was doing it. About two blocks away from my house, my shoes came untied. I didn't care. I was going to run the whole way even if I lost my shoes doing it.
I made it home, tired and already sore. I had no idea how far I'd gone. Maybe four miles? At least two. . . So I hopped in the car to measure my progress. I drove. And drove. Wait, is the odometer working? It hasn't even been a tenth of a mile yet? I probably didn't even make it a half mile! And the odometer turned and I kept driving. Every tenth of a mile seemed to take so long. But I kept driving and it kept turning. Now I knew it definitely wasn't four or even two miles. Please be at least one mile! And it was 9/10ths and then, finally, the odometer reached one mile as I turned into the driveway. So I can run one mile without stopping. Its not amazing, but its a start.
I learned some things on my first run:
1. STRETCH!!! Before and after running. Obviously.
2. Buy flat shoelaces. Why do they even make rounded ones? They never stay tied.
3. Find my ipod. I spent the whole time thinking about running and how far I was going. Not fun.
I still do not enjoy running. But I will keep going.


bethany said...

Stretch is right :) I can't wait to hear more about your love/hate with running :) Way to go!! I'll be cheering you on in Sept!

jenbaum said...

I so hope you keep sharing your running journey! I read it and laughed, and got teary-eyed, and excited, and nervous all at the same time because I remember that day for me. It was in December, and it was SO COLD, I had hoped I would get frost-bite so I would have a good excuse to never run outside again. It didn't happen. I remember driving every run for the first few weeks just to see how far I had gone, until I found I remember not being able to even run a mile without walking that first day. You are going to rock that run in September!!!!