Monday, May 4, 2009

I ran so far away. . .

So I think I want to run a marathon. And if you know anything about my athletic abilities, you're already laughing. When I was in second grade, I got an incomplete grade in gym class because I walked the mile. I think it took me something like 35 minutes. I just really don't like running and I'm not good at it. I don't even like running when playing sports I like. See, I played softball for more than ten years and I loved it. I even played a few times with Kaleif's co-ed team in Bellingham. During one game, I hit a great line drive to center field and ran as hard as I could to first, then second base. I even scored a run on the next hit. When I got back to the bench, Kaleif said, "Are you ok? Are you hurt or something?" When I answered no, he said, "Are you sure you're ok? You look like you're hold back when you run." He was absolutely, geniunely concerned. Actually, that was my maximum running capability. So, thank you. It seemed that everyone on the team, no matter how old or how big, was much faster than I was. It doesn't help that Kaleif, a former college wrestler, is just naturally athletic. I like to tell him that our daughters will likely get his athleticism while our sons will probably get mine. He doesn't think that's very funny.
Now you're probably wondering why then, I would want to run a marathon. I don't know. Maybe its the chance to conquer something that I know will be so difficult for me. Anyway, I started looking at training schedules for marathons and realized that most of them start with a little ten mile run. Hmmm. . . nevermind. So with a little more research, I decided to try a half marathon first. I'm starting my training tomorrow with a three mile run. I think I can do it, though I guarantee I won't like it. Who knows, maybe I'll develop a love for running over the next twelve weeks. So if you see me out running, please don't stop to tell me how slow I am, I already know.


jenbaum said...

Oh my goodness! You are my running soul-sister! I will be completing my first half-marathon on Saturday, and I promise... it won't be pretty, or speedy, but I will finish. And, forget the twelve-week training, I have been training since December. When I started, I struggled to complete three miles. Last Saturday, I completed the full ten - no walking. I am hoping to be so lucky two weeks in a row. I PROMISE - YOU CAN DO THIS if you really want to!!! It's a mind game... definitely a mind game. Good luck!!

bethany said...

I can't wait to hear all about it! And, way to go! I'm jealous of this endeavor. See you on the track!

Anonymous said...

Tell us how your first run went!