My blog is named for my baby and her many near accidents in her short little life. I guess they're not really her accidents-- just ours. She, in fact, has been nearly smooshed by many a rear. Poor thing. So I began to wonder if babies are often sat on, tripped over, kicked, or elbowed by their parents. I searched and searched, but couldn't really find any information.
Our family moved from Montana to North Dakota last week. We were working on cleaning the garage and there were boxes and garbage and bags and garbage and garbage all over the place. Sadie was strapped to my chest in her carrier. And I tripped. Forward, of course. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I tripped, I'm pretty clumsy. I'm starting to think that someone should perform screenings and not allow such clumsy people to become parents. So as I fell, I grabbed on to her back with my left arm and braced myself with my right. I hit the ground with my knees and right arm pretty hard (I scraped up my knees a little, but don't worry, I'll be ok). And Kaleif ran to us. He worries about his little girl and often tells me I need to be more careful. He's right. Anyway, he asked if she was ok, am I sure she's ok, did she hit the ground, is she ok? And yes, she was fine. She didn't touch the ground and didn't even cry-- I don't think it even scared her. But I'm trying to be more careful. And I've come to the conclusion that yes, people do sit on their babies (or fall on them!)