Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Daycare Diet and Workout Plan

Ok, I'll explain. Daycare is hard work. When I started three weeks ago, my mom told me doing daycare would be the hardest work I ever did. I only half believed her. Now I fully understand.

Here's the plan:

1. Pushing a four-child stroller with four children in it. Double workout points for pushing it up hills or through gravel. Holy cow.

2. Jumping over baby gate hurdles while carrying babies.

3. Someone needs something every time I try to take a bite of food. I'm lucky to get in five bites a day.

4. Sprinting at lightning speeds up the stairs every time you even think you hear a baby crying. Quiet them before anyone else wakes up!

5. Sprinting back down the stairs, hoping nobody has been seriously injured in the last thirty seconds.

6. Other running. Pretty much all day long.

I swear I'll be in supermodel shape in no time.


bethany said...

I can't WAIT to get on that for a week or so :)

You forgot about not being able to have any treats because the kids will all see and want some.

You are so funny sis :) Love you much.

Laura said...

I know how you feel with the lack of posts. Although, I hear you've got another project somewhere out here in the internet. Ehem.